Anne de


Anne de Joyeuse

Heritage in good hands

Over 30 years ago, we set out on a long adventure.
And what an adventure it has been! A new name and investment plan to modernize the cellar, meet new market
requirements and set ambitious environmental goals.
We are extremely proud of the work accomplished and are now able to focus on the future with peace of mind…
and a generous heart!
Our goals for the coming years will be to preserve and honour our Limoux terroir, showcase the work of our
winegrowers and promote our wines to a specialized client base both in France and abroad

A historic winegrowing region

long-standing environmental commitments

Creation of the cellar

A group of winegrowers decided to plant the Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grape varieties

Creation of the AOP Limoux White

Commitment to sustainable, eco-friendly viticulture

First Agriconfiance certification

Creation of the AOP Limoux Red

Creation of the Protect Planet® charter

Development of a range of bottles for the traditional French and export networks

First winegrowers convert to organic agriculture 2019 First High Environmental

First range of organic wines

First High Environmental Value (HEV) certification

The Limoux Conditionnement bottling plant becomes operational